Today is our last day of training camp. We will have our commissioning service tonight and then at 3am in the morning we will be boarding a bus and heading to the Atlanta airport. It has been a jam-packed week, but we have accomplished a lot and grown so much as a team. We did many team builders which challenged each of us, but we finished them all and set many records. Our communication is growing and the team is learning about each other in amazing ways. This week we have crawled in the dirt “army boot camp” style, lifted each other over tall walls in the obstacle course, eaten rice with our hands and learned dramas we can share in our respective countries. It has been stretching for all of us, but we have had so much fun in the process. We have seen God show up in big ways already and we can’t wait to see what He has in store for us in Swaziland. Please pray for our team as we leave tomorrow.
Team Leaders: Caroline Dorning and Sean
Prayer Requests: Good health, rest while we travel, safety, team unity, wisdom in ministry and that God would show up in big ways in Swaziland!!
Thank you all for following the blog and for your support and prayers. Swaziland here we come!